Lilith Feature
Fiction: Go, for Yourself (Love in the Time of Brexit)Third Prize in Lilith’s 2022 Fiction Contest.
Secrets, lies and revelations—featuring Letty Cottin Pogrebin, Kitty Zeldis, Bonnie Friedman, Julia Silverberg Németh, Arielle Silver-Willner, Karen S. Bloom, Alicia Jo Rabins, Josh Lambert, and more…
Table of contents Get the issueThird Prize in Lilith’s 2022 Fiction Contest.
My sister and I created something beautiful out of our Thanksgiving longing.
Letty Cottin Pogrebin on the shame her family covered up with White-Out and black ink.
Something was different about this family. Death, and intuition, gave clues.
She was the only woman in the world with no mother. When the serpent undulated, shimmering, she tried it.
The fragmentary, slippery form and language suggest a Yael who is sexually voracious as well as violent.
Elissa Bassist: “Intercourse” and “masturbation” were difficult words to verbalize, much less do to (on?) myself.
The Best of Everything’s representation of the imposition of marriage and male control on women’s professional trajectories reflects not only the book’s historical moment but also the way Jaffe’s novel came to be written and published.
Those beautiful, dysfunctional ancestors, fumbling their way through relationships and spirituality, learning as they go.