Winter 2024

Our World Since October

Writing our grief. Exploring pop culture. Dreaming of peace.

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Lilith Feature

Three Writers on the End of Life

Lilith Feature

The Culture Report

Lilith Feature

Bat Mitzvah Stories

Lilith Feature

Our World After October

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“It’s a Man’s War”


Women remain a small minority of high-ups in the IDF. Even as female fighters were incredibly brave and resourceful on October 7. Even as female soldiers were warning about this war for months and were completely dismissed and ignored by their male supervisors.

“Our Sovereignty Has Been Violated”


Our country has changed unrecognizably overnight.

“Dichotomy Is a Response to Trauma”


The October 7 massacre touched her personally: Vivian Silver, the Canadian-born activist and founder of Women Wage Peace, who was murdered on Kibbutz Be’eri that day, was a close friend.

“Don’t Look Away from the Sexual Brutality of October 7”


But as a Jew and as a woman, I refuse to let Hamas’ brutal assault on Israeli women and girls be forgotten in the fog of war.

“Sow in Tears”


To cry—is literally to be human.

Jews Are Shaking


The feeling of deep dread that these atrocities stirred in Jews was horribly familiar.

An Office Confessional: Getting Real about Childhood Dolls.


American Girl: unique, groundbreaking and controversial.

Some Palestinian Women’s Words


"If we die when our house is bombed, we want to have our dignity and modesty."

What We Invite to Our Bat Mitzvahs


And Just Like That and You Are So Not Invited To My Bat Mitzvah bring this author a new lens through which to look at her own bat mitzvah, thirty years later.

A Sea of Pink Kippot


“Why can’t I have pink?” my daughter insisted, while I cringed in dismay. This was the last thing I would have expected, and only reinforced my certainty that my daughter had no idea how momentous this event would be, nor the generations of struggle that had paved her way.

Poem: Stone for a Pillow


This powerful and moving poem is an urgent prayer, not a confession of sins but a yearning for the hopeless self to be changed from within.

Shedding Our Shame


What it takes to speak out—and repair—misconduct in our communities.

Fiction: Men Make Plans


A lesson from my grandmother years before came to haunt me—der mensch tracht un Gott lacht; men make plans, God laughs.

Poem: I Peed in the Shower at the Mikveh


Then I justified it by thinking of the women who peed; upheld this mitzvah for hundreds of years

Emails from Beyond


Hey mom, what the fuck was up with pretending like you weren’t dying when you manifestly were?

The Treasure My Mother Couldn’t Bestow


My mother always knew the name of the doctor’s receptionist, and how many children she had—and would ask about them.

Is Writing Spiritual? Two Books Say Yes.


It’s the well-founded fear of not being believed that drives us to keep our stories inside, but, as Silverman points out, ‘By confessing our stories, we confess yours too. That’s why the patriarchy is scared. We’re telling secrets.’

This Jewish Video Game Is a Masterpiece


Why would Gran insist on all this Jewish specificity, when so many video games don’t?

Chicago’s Shofar-Blowing “Rabbi on the Block”


According to Manasseh, what the world sees as problems, “Jews see as cracks.” In order to repair the world, you “get your spackle and go to work. You may not fix the cracks but you have to start the work of fixing them.”

Ways of Looking at Your Dying Mother


Try to memorize everything about your mother’s face. Her eyes are still a sharp blue. Her skin at her age is remarkably smooth.

I’m 10, and I’ve Gone Through More Than Most Adults


When I watch “dramatic” TV shows, they don’t seem like much compared to my life.

So This Is Grief


The life we’d built together collapsed like a house of cards, and now I am floundering. I want to share with him all I’ve learned during his absence—our loss—but of course I can’t.

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