Sophie Hill
A teenage girl battles her chronic illness.
In this short video, Carolivia Herron and her literary creation, Brenda, argue about Juneteenth.
As I imagine (the way I do as an artist), what freedom meant in 1865 in Galveston, while simultaneously reflecting on what it means to me today, I invite you to celebrate the freedom, brilliance, and resilience of Black people
We will curse the noise when really we should bless them all—everything is as it should be.
She was once again a refugee, her elegance undone by the clatter of an eggshell.
I love how accommodating Judaism is, in ways that too often the rest of society isn’t
This Shavuot, embrace a new cheesecake–kousmeri from Romaniote community of Greece.
The first time I ate gomen was back in Ethiopia, after helping my grandma prepare it.
For Jackie Zarine Mostny, the Persian Jewish Queen lineage from the time of Esther continues to live on– and evolve.
Tasting the schnapps and coffee liqueur in the babka calls back the memory of going to shul on Saturday mornings before the pandemic.