Tag: nonfiction

Remembering Lori Zabar

Nora Ephron called Zabar’s, “The most rambunctious and chaotic of all delicatessens, with one foot in the Old World and the other in the vanguard of every fast-breaking food move in the city.”  Lori Zabar had a keen appreciation for both the old and the new and as such, she was the perfect chronicler for this story. 

Is Body Neutrality a Jewish Value?

“The road to a disordered relationship with food and exercise was paved with well-intentioned comments about my appearance and eating habits.”

I Am Russian… In Name Only

I am not Russian, but I speak Russian. It’s a kind of nonconsensual tattoo Stalin left behind on my parents—better tattooed than dead.

The Challah Boys

Some unlikely visitors at my new home connected me to my Jewish roots.