Tag: Lilith Magazine

In a Parallel World, Tweens and Moms Still Disagree

Debut novelist Marcie Roman talks with Fiction Editor Yona Zeldis McDonough about what it’s like to travel to an alternate universe, and what the experience can teach us about our own.

A Love Affair With Barthes’ Words

Lilith’s Yona Zeldis McDonough talks to author Edie Meidav about her unique and transdisciplinary novel, Another Love Discourse.

Transplant: Art By Mail

The window gallery exhibition, TRANSPLANT, explores what it is like to be transplants to North America (where they’ve both lived for over a decade) from a place with a different culture, climate and customs. 

The Burden of Pregnancy

Two of my pregnancies ended in miscarriage, and the other two resulted in the greatest joys of my life. But all four were a burden — emotionally and physically, personally and professionally. 

Travel Money

Why is it so complicated to accept financial gifts from my parents?