Tag: Purim

Honoring Queen Esther’s Secret Self

This year, with some unlikely help from Greta Gerwig’s film Barbie, I finally have the words to explain why honoring Queen Esther with the name Hadassah is so important to me.

Crunching Poppyseeds on Purim

These flaky, gluten-free cookies are eaten for Norouz, the Persian New Year, and by Persian Jews for the holiday of Purim since both holidays often fall close together on the calendar.

Savor Purim

Explore tantalizing Egyptian, Persian and other Sephardic holiday traditions through music, cooking demonstrations and lively conversations.

A Modern Esther

For Jackie Zarine Mostny, the Persian Jewish Queen lineage from the time of Esther continues to live on– and evolve.

Digging Deeper into Esther’s Mysteries

The Book of Esther still speaks to us, even in the “safe” diaspora without ruling monarchs — because governments may shift, policies change and antisemitism reasserts itself. 

Esther in a New World

As part of his only recorded direct speech in the book of Esther, Mordechai exhorts his orphaned cousin Esther to appeal to King Ahaseurus, suggesting that Queen Esther’s raison d’etre… Read more »