With our bodies under attack—how can Jewish feminists respond?
Lilith’s Yona Zeldis McDonough talks to author Edie Meidav about her unique and transdisciplinary novel, Another Love Discourse.
Alicia Jo Rabins on her newest multidimensional work of meditation and love.
Q & A on Sue Shapiros novel “The Book Bible” and her advice to future authors.
Two of my pregnancies ended in miscarriage, and the other two resulted in the greatest joys of my life. But all four were a burden — emotionally and physically, personally and professionally.
As I look at my new daughter, I think about what a few more decades of restrictions could mean for her future. I knead harder.
The deadline for Lilith’s Annual Fiction Contest has been extended until January 31st!
Nuances and potential landmines arise with such a radically new way to bring children into the world.
Inspired by an heiress living in Paris when Hitler invaded, who might have gone home like most Americans did, but instead stayed and risked her life to help strangers.