Tag: Lilith

Becoming an Abortion Doula

Why go this extra mile in support of patients? Because I’m not only pro-choice, but I am pro-abortion and pro-access. That means going beyond supporting someone’s right to choose to terminate a pregnancy but fighting to remove the barriers that may prevent them from doing so.

The Book That Teaches Children About a Jewish Prima Ballerina

Lily falls in love with ballet—but can this fragile girl ever become a serious dancer? Fiction Editor (and lifelong balletomane) talks to author Krystyna Poray Goddu about her informative and charming new picture book.

The Poem that Went Viral, and the Woman Behind It

“After my rape, I really fell back on my traditions. I got a mezuzah, and I started saying the Shabbat prayers every week at my own home.” Viral-video slam poet and activist Anna Binkovitz opens up to Lilith about trauma, survival, and the vital importance of language.

A Conversation with Racelle Rosett

The temple my kids grew up in is nicknamed “Temple Beth Showrunner” because the creators of so many television shows attend. But when you sit in the sanctuary year after year you see that loss is loss.