Helene Meyers
Paula Eiselt’s new documentary “Under G-D” is a short masterpiece, illustrating the legal landscape in the post-Roe world and the major role that Jews are playing in shaping it.
Paula Eiselt’s new documentary “Under G-D” is a short masterpiece, illustrating the legal landscape in the post-Roe world and the major role that Jews are playing in shaping it.
Two of my pregnancies ended in miscarriage, and the other two resulted in the greatest joys of my life. But all four were a burden — emotionally and physically, personally and professionally.
We are not used to mobilizing against the theology of any other tradition. But this is different.
Decades later, at a Jewish symposium on abortion, a male leader self-righteously intoned, “Abortion is never an easy decision.” He’d obviously never been there.