Karen Paul
How do we reconcile the disparate pieces of our genetic whorl with the legacy of our lineage?
How do we reconcile the disparate pieces of our genetic whorl with the legacy of our lineage?
These pieces reflect this heartbreaking year of violence and loss. Two abiding themes are grief and hope
“Literal heartache accompanies the loss of someone you love…the phantom pain of a severed limb.”
“But there is no other title. My mother is dying. This story is really for me.”
When I watch “dramatic” TV shows, they don’t seem like much compared to my life.
Four Israeli artists illustrating the victims of the October 7th tragedy.
Daphne Kalotay talks to Lilith about “The Archivists,” loss, and what lies beneath the surface.
I was hesitant to pick up In Love as a newlywed. I am superstitious enough to worry about inviting misfortune by way of acknowledging it. But when I stood under the chuppah last November and married my husband, I remember thinking about death.
Just as the form held the poems together, writing the poems held me together.