Tag: q&A

Meryl Ain on “Shadows We Carry”

Author Meryl Ain talks to Lilith about twins, bloodlines, and Jewish identity in her post-Holocaust novel, “Shadows We Carry.”

Marilyn Singer on “Awe-Some Days”

Yona Zeldis McDonough talks to Marilyn Singer about “Awe-some Days,” a collection of poetry and prose about Jewish holidays for children.

In a Parallel World, Tweens and Moms Still Disagree

Debut novelist Marcie Roman talks with Fiction Editor Yona Zeldis McDonough about what it’s like to travel to an alternate universe, and what the experience can teach us about our own.

A Love Affair With Barthes’ Words

Lilith’s Yona Zeldis McDonough talks to author Edie Meidav about her unique and transdisciplinary novel, Another Love Discourse.

Kait Ziegler of the Poor People’s Campaign

And it is truly intersectional. As a feminist, as a woman, and as a queer person of color, the campaign offers me and others like me an analysis that pushes against the distorted narratives we’ve been fed about the inevitability of poverty.