Category: Lilith Online


I dipped a slice of green apple lightly into honey, but the metallic aftertaste of chemo in my mouth turned its sweetness bitter.


How do we reconcile the disparate pieces of our genetic whorl with the legacy of our lineage?

What Is Left

I will never know. I can’t fit all the pieces of my mother’s life together like a jigsaw puzzle.

Disability as Beloved by G-d

I know deeply what it is to feel like I have to make a choice between my spiritual life and my sense of dignity as a disabled person.

A Tisha b’Av Warning from the “Other” Israel Film Festival

Films depict the unequal treatment of Mizrahi Israelis, Ethiopian Israelis and Arab/Palestinian Israelis, and the poor treatment of foreign workers. Forget the early Zionist ideal of the nobility of Jewish labor in the Promised Land. Discrimination against women, a frequent subject of this festival, was problematic even in the early kibbutz days.