Author: InternsFall21

Bloody Bat Mitzvah

As a girl who is lucky enough to have access to information and supplies for my period, it’s my job to help other girls and women who don’t have as much as me.

Is Body Neutrality a Jewish Value?

“The road to a disordered relationship with food and exercise was paved with well-intentioned comments about my appearance and eating habits.”

Fiction: “Worms”

Spider crawls across the rim of pot. I flick it into the rain pounding down. Search the flowerbeds for squirming bodies, run my fingers gently through wet earth waiting for their silky touch.

The Challah Boys

Some unlikely visitors at my new home connected me to my Jewish roots.

There is Still Time!

The deadline for Lilith’s Annual Fiction Contest has been extended until January 31st!

The Best of Lilith

Time feels like it’s standing still, so why not revisit some gems from the Lilith archive?