Category: Lilith Online

Seth MacFarlane Said WHAT?!

Seth MacFarlane opened the night as most hosts do, calling out nominees and talking about this years films. Apparently you CAN make a Tarantino movie more offensive.


One day in the mid-1970s, I bought myself the iconic t-shirt of the era, the Roy Lichtenstein cartoon of a distraught woman with hot-red lips and the text bubble, “I can’t believe it. I forgot to have children.” I wore the tee as a joke until I realized it wasn’t. I needed a plan. Would I be fruitful and multiply, or not?

Rabbis in Red Lipstick

There are many things that play an important part in my morning ritual — a nice hot drink, a shower, morning prayers.

A Conversation with Racelle Rosett

The temple my kids grew up in is nicknamed “Temple Beth Showrunner” because the creators of so many television shows attend. But when you sit in the sanctuary year after year you see that loss is loss.

The Creep Factor in “Dress Up America”

It should be admitted that I am not your average, or ideal, consumer. But sometimes, it seems that I am in the majority in looking at a product and asking, What in the name of all that is holy and sane were these people thinking?

Choosing to Homeschool

What’s your gut reaction to homeschooling? Did you just wrinkle up your nose?

German and Soldier, Falling in Love

It was two AM on a Sunday, and I found myself with a German woman and a male U.S. soldier in the middle of a Vermont field.