Category: Lilith Online

The Poetry of Birthing at Home

At readings, there’s a palpable sense of relief, that the unpopular opinion we hold has been spoken aloud, and that this community of mothers and midwives who feel this way exists.

Can We Speak for Ourselves?

There we are, a group of feminist scholars and leaders, in a movement seeking to change the gender landscape of Orthodox Jewish leadership.

The Gifts that Mattered

Though Mother’s Day 2013 may be a wrap, it’s not too late to gift your maternal unit with a copy of What My Mother Gave Me: Thirty One Women On The Gifts That Mattered Most.

For the Women Who Mother Me

When I was in second grade, I didn’t want to make a Mother’s Day card with the rest of the kids in class. 

The Wall and I

Separate and hopefully finally equal. In the women’s section of the wall, women can now put on all the ritual accoutrements of prayer traditionally worn by men and can conduct services, read from the Torah without getting hauled off by police for offending some Orthodox males in the men’s section of the wall.

To Whom Does a Child Belong?

In not so distant American history, Native American children were taken from their communities in such numbers that leaders feared for the future of their community and their children.