Category: Lilith Online

Vintage Eye Candy for the New Year

Far from an attempt to assimilate into America by mailing our version of Christmas cards, the tradition of sending out greetings at the start of the Jewish month of Elul has very Jewish roots.

“Framing a Life”

“The building of the house became a metaphor for my journey and search for wholeness. It was the physical manifestation of finding soul, my essence, and being able to share with others.”

The Jewish Queen of Makeup

Renée Rosen talks to Lilith about the ways in which she adhered to the facts—and the important reasons why she didn’t in her novel about the life of Estée Lauder.

My Barbenheimer Childhood

The Barbenheimer phenomenon reminds us that we all contain multitudes, even contradictory multitudes.

Talking With Yael Goldstein-Love

A new mother dives headlong into a parallel world to find her missing son in Yael Goldstein Love’s new novel, “The Possibilities.”