Tag: Barbie

Honoring Queen Esther’s Secret Self

This year, with some unlikely help from Greta Gerwig’s film Barbie, I finally have the words to explain why honoring Queen Esther with the name Hadassah is so important to me.

My Barbenheimer Childhood

The Barbenheimer phenomenon reminds us that we all contain multitudes, even contradictory multitudes.

The Dolls That Raised Us

From  Madame Alexanders to American Girls, Bratz to Barbies—join us to talk all about dolls and the role they played in developing our sense of self, family, femininity, and creativity.

The Surprising Jewish Roots of Barbie

I originally knew Barbie as a doll. It wasn’t until I was tapped to write a Barbie graphic novel that I learned about her Jewish beginnings.

Secret Agent Barbie

Barbie has always been a secret agent, a force for subversion and empowerment masquerading as a harmless, leggy pin up.