Rachel Anisfeld
Amidst the violence, in response to the violence, we quietly sprinkle the world with this tender presence, creating a mirco-climate of love.
Amidst the violence, in response to the violence, we quietly sprinkle the world with this tender presence, creating a mirco-climate of love.
There are five things at the forefront of my mind these days; the national struggle against racist violence, the climate crisis, the coronavirus, death, family, but underlying it all… love.
A rewriting of Unetaneh Tokef in honor of the Black Lives that have been lost to racist violence.
I thought my father hadn’t fought that day because he gave in. I thought he had let them win, when in reality, he had decided that his life, vows, and the promises that he had made to his wife and children trumped everything.
In the wake of this most recent horrific moment of racist violence and white supremacy, we would like to share the articles we’ve been reading and rereading–the organizations we’ve been following, and resources we’ve been turning to.