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Cross-Country Ride for Choice

…One of the greatest obstacles to safe and legal abortions, say the sponsors of Marin’s ride, Medical Students for Choice and the National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League, is…

Bat Mitzvahs, Birthmothers, Bombings

…and reproductive rights. She always knew she was adopted, and now suddenly she is being contacted by her birth mother—who, she learns, was a Hasidic teenager when Simone was born….

When You Can’t Afford a Diaper…

…degree.” Goldblum says her mother, Ellen Samuel Luger, a social worker active in reproductive rights, is her model for activism. “It’s striking to me how many social workers are Jewish…

Elissa Slotkin

…in Washington. We don’t have to defend that.” What she will defend, “to my grave,” she says, are women’s and LGBTQ rights, and in particular women’s right to reproductive justice….

Black Lives Matter: Read, Learn, and Act

…and organizations to improve institutional policies and systems that impact the reproductive lives of marginalized communities. The Loveland Foundation is an organization that provides financial assistance to Black women and…

Shira Goodman

…saying, again according to Goodman, that they planned to stay out of this race, which featured three Democrats with identical positions on reproductive rights. Goodman’s enthusiasm for running was rooted…