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The Gifts that Mattered

Though Mother’s Day 2013 may be a wrap, it’s not too late to gift your maternal unit with a copy of What My Mother Gave Me: Thirty One Women On The Gifts That Mattered Most.

For the Women Who Mother Me

When I was in second grade, I didn’t want to make a Mother’s Day card with the rest of the kids in class. 

The Wall and I

Separate and hopefully finally equal. In the women’s section of the wall, women can now put on all the ritual accoutrements of prayer traditionally worn by men and can conduct services, read from the Torah without getting hauled off by police for offending some Orthodox males in the men’s section of the wall.

To Whom Does a Child Belong?

In not so distant American history, Native American children were taken from their communities in such numbers that leaders feared for the future of their community and their children. 

Yentl, Me, and 1983

Yentl was and is a milestone film because it gave voice, loudly and unrelentingly, to the frustrations and longings keenly felt by a generation of smart, mouthy Jewish women.  Born of the old world, Yentl spoke to new world Jewish feminists. 

Green? Or Greeneh?

As Earth Day rolls in this week, I’ll enjoy the extra attention devoted to the Earth and our environment. Likewise, each April we mark Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day, timed to commemorate the active organizing and resistance of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.

Early Abortion: A Papaya Workshop

“I’m a little concerned that the bags under my eyes might be permanent, but more than likely, they’ll go away soon.”

Be a part of the story

Shabbat Shalom 💕

Shabbat Shalom 💕 ...

A century-old feminist Sephardi novel is back...and it’s incredible 💫 

Lilith fiction editor Yona Zeldis McDonough says: "Mazaltob tells the story of a young woman raised in the Judería or Jewish quarter of Tetouan, Morocco, at the turn of the 20th-century. Sixteen-year-old Mazaltob is betrothed to José, a rather crude sort from her own community. But she is in love with Jean, who is French, half-Jewish, and an unconventional free spirit.  Her competing desires—loyalty to her family, faith and culture, or freedom to love whom she chooses—form the spine of this novel, which exposes the chafing constraints that bound North African Jewish women poised on the cusp of emancipation and decolonization." 

You can read an excerpt on, linked in our bio 📚

A century-old feminist Sephardi novel is back...and it’s incredible 💫

Lilith fiction editor Yona Zeldis McDonough says: "Mazaltob tells the story of a young woman raised in the Judería or Jewish quarter of Tetouan, Morocco, at the turn of the 20th-century. Sixteen-year-old Mazaltob is betrothed to José, a rather crude sort from her own community. But she is in love with Jean, who is French, half-Jewish, and an unconventional free spirit. Her competing desires—loyalty to her family, faith and culture, or freedom to love whom she chooses—form the spine of this novel, which exposes the chafing constraints that bound North African Jewish women poised on the cusp of emancipation and decolonization."

You can read an excerpt on, linked in our bio 📚

Lilith's spring issue has landed at Lilith HQ and it's bringing some much-needed sunshine on this cloudy day! 

Between the covers you'll find: Accessibility for synagogues, Shabbat and disability perspectives, an ostomy "bag mitzvah," "Mom Rage," Israeli and Palestinian Novels,  an investigation of gender-toxic workplaces, and much more!

Subscribers: Your copy is on it's way!
Online readers: Check in the next few days!

#unboxing #springissue #disabilitywisdom #Lilith

Lilith`s spring issue has landed at Lilith HQ and it`s bringing some much-needed sunshine on this cloudy day!

Between the covers you`ll find: Accessibility for synagogues, Shabbat and disability perspectives, an ostomy "bag mitzvah," "Mom Rage," Israeli and Palestinian Novels, an investigation of gender-toxic workplaces, and much more!

Subscribers: Your copy is on it`s way!
Online readers: Check in the next few days!

#unboxing #springissue #disabilitywisdom #Lilith

"My Bubbe would have thought that Joan was a “pie in the sky.” She writes of California as if it were Poland." 

In "The Cutting Room," writer Maggie Millstein unravels how Joan Didion is helping her process the current violence in the Middle East. A must-read, linked in our bio. 💥

"My Bubbe would have thought that Joan was a “pie in the sky.” She writes of California as if it were Poland."

In "The Cutting Room," writer Maggie Millstein unravels how Joan Didion is helping her process the current violence in the Middle East. A must-read, linked in our bio. 💥