A Reproductive Shabbat
This Shabbat, Shabbat Mishpatim, NCJW is partnering with local Jewish communities across the country to focus on the intersection of reproductive freedom and Jewish values. So far, almost 250 communities have heeded the call and are inviting local activists to speak on panels, congregants to join in discussion groups, and community members to listen to their sermons. Together, we will collectively affirm that those among us who have had abortions are b’tzelem Elohim, made in the image of God. We will affirm that protecting and expanding access to abortion in a hostile world is pikuach nefesh. We will affirm our commitment to education, advocacy, and community service to create social change.
I didn’t get involved with the reproductive freedom movement because of my Judaism. And I didn’t get more involved with my Jewish identity through my activism. But through my activism, I’ve become a better Jew and through my Judaism, I’ve become a better activist.
So when it came to making the decision to use my precious Shabbat hours driving an abortion patient all those months ago, it wasn’t a hard decision. I wasn’t driving her in spite of my Jewish practice, driving her was my Jewish practice.
This Shabbat, I will be continuing the conversation of why abortion access is a Jewish value by participating in NCJW’s Repro Shabbat. Please join me by visiting rabbisforrepro.org/shabbat.
Steph Black is a writer, activist and clinic escort in D.C. who is passionate about the intersections of Judaism and feminism.
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