Author: Eleanor J. Bader

An Artist Who Welds Jewelry, Glass and Performance Together

“The project is my way of maintaining a childlike interest in the world.  I explore the use of wearable art, sculpture, and objects made of glass, fiber, and metal that look like bizarre geological specimens that come from the earth. They collectively generate a mythology.”

A Bold Photographer Who Captures Social Justice Movements

“I’d always wanted to work abroad and have always been fascinated by violence and political unrest, but for a long time, I was ashamed to say this out loud. As a woman, I was afraid people would think I was silly to presume I could go into places where there was that kind of turmoil. “

This Radical Medical Collective Ministers to Protesters

The idea was that we wanted to do action/activist medicine. We understood that many communities have to create their own medical infrastructure, taking care of themselves, because of racism, sexism, homophobia, or transphobia.  Many of us in the collective have not felt safe accessing conventional emergency medical services

Sandinistas and the Upper West Side

How a group of women made the Upper West Side the sister city of Tipitapa, Nicaragua to support the Sandanista government in the 1980s—and the organizing work they’re doing today.