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Union Made

…the red carpet with union-bashing filmmaker Davis Guggenheim at October’s D.C. opening of “Waiting for Superman,” the high-profile public education documentary that casts the AFT president in the villain’s role….

Challenging Incumbents

…Mikva, Senator Charles Schumer and others across the country. In California, two Democratic Jewish women took on Republican incumbents and won: Jane Harman and Susan Davis. On Long Island, 71-year-old…

A Feminist Lens On Books For Young Readers

…cross-cultural, we have picture book-tribute in verse by Andrea Davis Pinkney, illustrated by Steve Johnson and Lou Fancher, A Poem for Peter: The Story of Ezra Jack Keats and the…

Spunky Woman

…R Hersch Armour Ruth Barber Rachel Binah Sadie Skigen Blatt Barbara Bomze Joan Brennan Shirley Chapnick Sue Carol Chechanover Marjorie Thurman Cohen Ruth Stern Danis Esther Shuckowitz Davis Betty Dehn…

Kait Ziegler of the Poor People’s Campaign

…thinkers who’ve influenced you the most? KZ: There are so many! All of the books written by PPC co-chairs Theoharis and Barber. Ibram X. Kendi, W.E.B. DuBois, Angela Davis, Audre…

When Life Imitates Your Own Art

…House Arrest, and her dramatic program telling the story of the Rosenberg Fund for Children was produced in New York in 2013 featuring Eve Ensler, Angela Davis and Cotter Smith….

The Stories We Tell

…her client, and Bone Button Borscht [by Aubrey Davis and Dusan Petricic], about generosity in a poor shtetl. Delicious stories.” Daphne Merkin, novelist and critic, author most recently of This…

“Let My Husband Die”

…was generous with the spending money given to him as an only child. He paid to take me to my favorite Bette Davis movie and I remember how we licked…


…contact Adam Davis, (773)550-1543; The Women Cantors’ Network, organized in 1982, is a resource for working, aspiring, or retired women cantors. It provides professional, educational and practical support for…