Food Politics and everyday life choices: Organic? Free-range? Estrogen-laden soy? All the angst of eating, spelled out here.
D-I-Y Parenthood: three wildly unconventional ways to create family. Why do Jewish women love mah-jongg—even now? Winning short stories and poetry.
Table of contents Get the issueRadical single-parenting by choice, deliberative half-time mothering, cross-continental spuncling. What’s up with “family”?
Food Politics and everyday life choices: Organic? Free-range? Estrogen-laden soy? All the angst of eating, spelled out here.
This sperm donor’s story starts with a phone call and ends with a marriage.
Susan Shnur talks with Jenifer Firestone, a kind-of-single mother, who, with exceeding clarity, chooses tribal parenting.
How one mother, with a series of female lovers, two rabbinic sperm donors, two adoptions and one gay parenting partner, raises five exceptional kids.
At the American Jewish Historical Society, Lilith invites three dozen women in white gloves to pry into formerly hidden lives.
A pair of New York Times obituary notices from 2006 give us a clue to the primary role mah-jongg played in the lives of many Jewish women of a certain... Read more »
These questions since haunting my days:How did I —who took the first step,who mustered the courage,who extended my hand towards the tree of Knowledgeand handed to Adam that fruit of... Read more »
why does the green grass grow all around, all around?because the rain falls on the just and unjust alikebecause the creator blesses us why do we drive the beasts of... Read more »
If God is a woman please don’t let her wear a wig, like the one my aunt is wearing now that she is religious. Or a long, brocade dress that... Read more »
I often think there’s a woman on the hillover there, who looks out her kitchen windowin my directionas she prepares dinner for her family. Perhaps that woman has watched our... Read more »
Visit me again, Mother, come at night,complexion ruddy or post-mortem white,Sleeping Beauty or closetful of bone,delude me, whisper, “Girl, you’re not alone.” Only at night, lightfooted as a cat,give me... Read more »
1The Farmer’s Market Noontime, the market heats up. August wilts field greens.Sunflowers tuck their heads. Listless, I pick peaches, peppers,silver queen corn. On the pavement, small trees in earthen pots... Read more »