Lilith Feature
Our [Meaning Women’s] Book-of-Esther ProblemA 12-Page Lilith Feature By Rabbi Susan Schnur
Shlomo Carlebach’s shadow side. Women reclaim Purim: You will never see a hamantasch the same way again. Two pre-war novels in Germany by Gertrud Kolmar reflect her life.
Table of contents Get the issueA 12-Page Lilith Feature By Rabbi Susan Schnur
“Excuse me, doctor, you have a call.” My secretary, Janis, pokes her head into the room where I am trying to console a couple whose 14-year-old cocker spaniel has just... Read more »
Published in English for the first time, two novels of pre-war Germany reflect their author’s tormented life of anti-Semitism, troubled motherhood, and a brooding sexuality.
"The figures of Vashti and Esther, clearly in origin full-moon prespring relatives of the ancient mythological life cycle goddesses, come down to us, in the Book of Esther and in rabbinic midrash, so disfigured and devalued that it is hard to know how to begin resurrecting them.
But let's start with Harvard psychologist Carol Gilligan, whose research shows us that females' self-esteem is highest before puberty, but then we turn into women, males enter our consciousness, and it all goes to hell."
Deftly she scraped the silver scales and forcedone fish into the other; the soft feetof the calf she boiled into jelly; she stuffed riceinto the plump hen and boundits wings... Read more »
ISAAC They put my first born in my arms. His eyesopened milky as any other lamb’s, and Iremembered my father watching my face I prayed he would believe I was... Read more »
He preached the lessons of unconditional love, and his music was adored world-wide. But what was his legacy to women?
Orthodoxy’s Open Door I am a modern Orthodox Jewish woman of American Indian and African-American descent. As an active member of New York’s Orthodox community, I am incredulous that “a... Read more »