
Where to go for what if you're Jewish and female


Women and Disabilities, a women’s studies conference, will be held at Southern Connecticut State University October 2-3. Send your proposals for sessions by 6/1/98 to Vara Neverow, Women ‘v Studies Program, EN 27J. 501 Crescent St.. New Haven. CT 065J5-1355; (203)392-6133; fax (203)392-6723: womenstudies@scsu.ctstateu.edu; http://scsu.ctsateu.edu/womenstudies/wmst.html

How to talk to a child when you have cancer explains how children of any age can react to the news that a parent has cancer. The 16-page booklet in English and Spanish was written by Gretchen Curry, who says “Cancer is an enormous personal journey, but it doesn’t have to be a lonely one.” Free from Methodist Hospital Cancer Program, 6565 Fannin St. Mad Station 549, Houston TX 77030: (713)790-2700.

Breast Cancer: Fear of Recurrence will be an anthology of works by persons who have had breast cancer. Please send stories (fiction or nonfiction). poetry, drawings and photos dealing with the fear of recurrence of metastases. Send an SASE for guidelines. Deadline for submissions: April 30. 1998. Pioneer Valley Breast Cancer Network, P.O. Box 536, Leeds. MA 01053.

Survivors Healing Center recently opened its first community center designed to be a model for other centers that offer safe, supportive and comprehensive services to survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Contact them if you are interested in starting such a center, and/or send your tax deductible contribution to Survivors Healing Center. PO. Box 8491, Santa Cruz. CA 95061; (408)423-7601.

Project Chai offers counseling, shelter and help to survivors of domestic violence in the Jewish community of Cleveland. Brynna Fish, Jewish Family Services in Cleveland (216)292-3999.

Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) is a disease that afflicts only women of childbearing age and is always terminal, usually within 10 years. The LAM Foundation was founded in 1995 to support research and education. Sue Byrnes, Executive Director, The Lam Foundation, 10105 Beacon Hills Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45241; (513)777-6889; fax (513)777-4109.


On the Fringes: An Anthology of Young Jewish Women’s Voices hopes to bring “your thoughtful, complicated and provocative lives from the fringes to the center.” (And they already have a publisher.) Jewish women under thirty from all cultures, religious denominations, political viewpoints and sexual orientations are invited to send memoirs and essays, up to 20 pages long. Send two copies of a 500 word abstract to the editors: Tohin Belzen 48 Pearson Ave.. Somerville. MA 02144; (617)666-6446; or Julie Pelc.jlpelc@artsci.wustl.edu

Under 30 and British or living in the UK? Send prose, short stories, poems, essays on political, cultural, religious and secular perspectives for an anthology of writing by young Jewish women, that will be “an unusual opportunity to express ourselves on matters close to our hearts, Jewish and non-Jewish.” Send by June 30, 1998 to editors: Mekella Broomberg, Tamar Burman, and Judith Levitt, 164 Crookesmoor Rd., Sheffield S6 3FS, (44-0114)266-6990; EGA95JSL@Sheffield.ac.uk

Are you a Jewish woman for whom having been raised by a Black maid is a factor in developing political awareness? Send nonfiction, fiction, poetry—no nostalgia, instructs the editor of this anthology—for an anthology. Judith Chalmer, 18 Summer St., Montpelier VT 05602; (802)229-0432; jchalmer@norwich.edu

For a Mother’s Day theater piece to be produced at the Gindi Auditorium at the University of Judaism, Jan Lewis, director of the Jewish Women’s Theater Project and Miriyam Glazer, director of the Dortort Writers Institute are looking for poems, excepts from novels, stories and plays about being a Jewish mother or being the son or daughter of one. They are especially seeking non stereotypical and humorous material and will credit those who help locate material they use. Miriyam Glazer, University of Judaism, 15600 Mulhollamd Dr., Los Angeles, CA 90077; {310)829-0140; fax (310)829-4035: miriyam@juno.com or jandirect@aol.com; for tickets call (310)476-9777.

To be part of a collection of erotica by and about Jewish women—which will include excerpts from the writings of Marge Piercy and Erica Jong—scheduled to be published by Cleis Press in summer 1998, send your stories by March 30, as well as suggestions for a title to Marcy Sheiner, 6 Captain Drive #228. Emeryville CA 94608; (510)601-9313; fax (510)547-4785; marquest@well.com

Jewish Business Ethics include Jewish attitudes toward social responsibility of corporations, advertising, competition, the ethics of profits and prices, investment and consumer responsibility, and management responsibility to employees. Send your views in an essay (350-2,500 words) by May 10, 1998. The winner of this essay competition will be awarded a $500 grand prize. The Whizin Prize, Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, 1299 Church Rd. Wyncote PA 19095-1898; (215)576-0800, x43; chesnick®rrc.edu


“In Search of Ourselves: The Power of Jewish Women—Part 2″ is an all-day symposium to be held April 26, 1998, with Muriel Siebert, the first woman to purchase a seat on the New York Stock Exchange as keynote speaker. Susan Weidman Schneider, LILITH”s editor-in-chief, will lead a workshop on “Jewish Feminists; Transcending the Stereotypes” and 20 other workshops will offer; women, money and power; communicating with men; paths to healing, sex, women and the Bible, genetics through a Jewish lens; mikveh, being Jewish and lesbian; raising privileged kids; and enriching the road to conversion. Registration is $54; $25 for students. To be held at New York University, 40 West 4th St., the program is cosponsored by NYU’s Bronfman Center for Jewish Student Life and the New York Chapter of Hudassah, 575 Lexington Ave., #530, New York, NY 10022; (212)751-7050.

Ashir: a national network of support for observant Jewish career women provides advice and assistance and offers home hospitality across the country for professional women traveling on business. Quarterly meetings, a directory of members, a newsletter and study opportunities are among their activities. Membership is $ 1,000 per year, which funds the educational work of its host institution. Leah Kohn, Jewish Renaissance Center, 441 West End Ave., New York, NY 10024, (212)580- 9666, fax (212)799-1355; learning©jewishrenaissance.org


Women, Theologies and Religious Discourses, an interdisciplinary and cross cultural symposium will take place at University of Duisburg April 7-10, 1999. Papers are invited on these and other subjects; the dominance of male discourse in theology and religious studies; new approaches to theology that employ insights from gender studies; women, poetic space and religious experience; new styles of pastoral care and new forms of liturgy in religions generally. Send a one page abstract by March 25, 1998 to LAUD (Linguistic Agency University of Duisburg), University of Duisburg, D- 47048 Duisburg. Germany; laud@uni-duisburg.de

Yiddish songs “serve as a conduit to the realities of an earlier age of Jewish life in Eastern Europe and America.” Any questions? Music archivist Ghana Mlotek responds to queries at YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, 555 W. 57th St, New York NY, 10010; (212)246-6080; fax (212)292-1892; email www.baruch.cuny.edu/yivo


Attorneys who can take on divorce cases tor agunot on a pro bono basis and help women in dire need of competent legal assistance, please contact Laura Shaw Frank, Women’s Tefdah Network, (212)806-6429 (w) or (718)884-4457 (h); Ishaw@stroock.com

Jewish Women in America An Historical Encyclopedia edited by Paula E. Hyman and Deborah Dash Moore is being offered for sale for $125, half the list price of $250, as a fundraiser for the Jewish Theological Seminary’s Women’s Center, Isha El Akhota, recently established to provide informal programming on women’s issues for students and faculty. Send your check for $130.95 (includes shipping) made out to JTS Women’s Center or credit card authorization to Isha El Akhota, JTS Women’s Center, 3080 Broadway, New York, NY 10027; (212)678-8976; isha@jtsa.edu

Choosing a Financial Planner: 10 Questions to Ask is a free 8-page brochure from the non-profit professional regulatory organization that sets standards for the industry, and is a guide to help individuals find competent, ethical financial planning advice or services. Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, 1700 Broadway #2100, Denver, CO 80290-2101;’ toll-free (888)237-6275; fax (303)860-7388; www.cfp-board.org


Summer Mentors—young professionals who can share a passion for integrating religious values in their lives and working for the good of society—are needed for an interfaith project working with Catholic, Jewish and Protestant graduating high school seniors, June 28-July 20 at American University in Washington, DC. Mentors receive room and board and a stipend. Contact Claudia Horwitz, E Pluribus Unum Community Life Director, 11710 Hunters Ln., Rockville, MD 20852; fax (301)770-6365.

Nishmat, a Jerusalem based center for beginner to advanced Jewish education for women, was founded eight years ago by Chana Henkin at the urging of American women college graduates who sought an opportunity to study Judaism. They offer summer programs in English and Hebrew. Nishmat, 27 Rechov Michlin, Bay it Vegan, Jerusalem, Israel; 972-2-6421051; fax 972-2-641-9752 nishmat@netmedia.net.il

The First Annual ‘Vilnius Program in Yiddish Language and Literature, will offer intensive study at four levels of proficiency as well a cultural component of performances, films, talks and tours, July 6-31. Tuition of $599 does not include travel, accommodation or maintenance. Justinas Vancevicius, Center for Judaic Studies, University of Vilnius, Unversiteto 3, Vilnius 2734, Lithucmia; (370)2-624928, (370)2- 57J984; fax (370)2-223563; justinas.vancevicius@flf.vu.lt or root@lzh.vno.osf.lt

Jewish Fundamentalism: its political and religious roots in Israel and the Diaspora, is a course offered by Amsterdam-Maastricht Summer University and the Jewish Historical Museum, August 10-14, 1998.Ilja van Nes, Joods Historisch Museum, PO. Box 16737, 1001 RE Amsterdam Holland; (31)20-626-9945; fax (31)20-624-1721