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Women’s Roundtable Podcast: Wage Gaps and the Pill

This month, Lilith’s editor in chief Susan Weidman Schneider and assistant editor Sonia Isard chat with Gabrielle Birkner and Jane Eisner of the Forward about the latest hot topics, including the ever-present pay gap between men and women–even in the Jewish communal workforce and whether or not oral contraceptives have led to a fertility crisis.

Link Roundup: Tragedy and Race Relations

This past week was filled with deep sadness in the Jewish community following the loss of beloved singer/songwriter, Debbie Friedman, and the tragic shooting in Tuscon, Arizona that left 6 people dead and 14 injured, including U.S. Representative, Gabrielle Giffords.

Music, Feminism and Debbie Friedman

My first memory of Debbie Friedman’s music came from my mother. At the tender age of three, before bedtime I would listen to my mother sing “L’chi Lach.” I had no idea who Debbie Friedman was, but I already knew that her music was good for my soul…or at the very least, my sleeping patterns. When I first started thinking about writing this piece I wanted to explore the connection between feminism and music.

2010: Lilith’s Year in Review

Every December, I look forward to JibJab’s latest animated year in review, which inspired me to do my own year in review. Here’s a look back on some of the biggest Jewish and Feminist news stories of 2010…

Sad News: Beloved Singer and Composer Debbie Friedman Dies in Los Angeles

Debbie Friedman, known for her Mi Sheberach and her special Jewish feminst songs, has died in Los Angeles. Lilith magazine’s board and staff join with Debbie Friedman’s multitude of other friends and fans in grieving her shocking and untimely death today. Debbie’s music –and her presence–helped lead thousands through healing moments and in joyful celebration.

No, This Isn’t PMS: You Are Just Really Annoying

I did an about face this month. I decided to stop believing in PMS.

It’s kind of pathetic, but I hadn’t even considered the culturally fabricated origins of this bio-myth until stumbling across this debate, in a blog that I sometimes read. It was kind of like finding out that the Tooth Fairy doesn’t exist—obvious in hindsight, but earth shattering in the moment. Because let me be clear: I have blamed my hormones for a LOT.

Puppy Love

Duncan is a dog who works. Like his colleagues who sniff out drugs and bombs, he has been trained from puppyhood to associate treats, praise, and significant Christmas bonuses with the sweet, over-ripe scent of bed bugs, a scent barely detectable to the human olfactory system.

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Shabbat Shalom 💕

Shabbat Shalom 💕 ...

A century-old feminist Sephardi novel is back...and it’s incredible 💫 

Lilith fiction editor Yona Zeldis McDonough says: "Mazaltob tells the story of a young woman raised in the Judería or Jewish quarter of Tetouan, Morocco, at the turn of the 20th-century. Sixteen-year-old Mazaltob is betrothed to José, a rather crude sort from her own community. But she is in love with Jean, who is French, half-Jewish, and an unconventional free spirit.  Her competing desires—loyalty to her family, faith and culture, or freedom to love whom she chooses—form the spine of this novel, which exposes the chafing constraints that bound North African Jewish women poised on the cusp of emancipation and decolonization." 

You can read an excerpt on, linked in our bio 📚

A century-old feminist Sephardi novel is back...and it’s incredible 💫

Lilith fiction editor Yona Zeldis McDonough says: "Mazaltob tells the story of a young woman raised in the Judería or Jewish quarter of Tetouan, Morocco, at the turn of the 20th-century. Sixteen-year-old Mazaltob is betrothed to José, a rather crude sort from her own community. But she is in love with Jean, who is French, half-Jewish, and an unconventional free spirit. Her competing desires—loyalty to her family, faith and culture, or freedom to love whom she chooses—form the spine of this novel, which exposes the chafing constraints that bound North African Jewish women poised on the cusp of emancipation and decolonization."

You can read an excerpt on, linked in our bio 📚

Lilith's spring issue has landed at Lilith HQ and it's bringing some much-needed sunshine on this cloudy day! 

Between the covers you'll find: Accessibility for synagogues, Shabbat and disability perspectives, an ostomy "bag mitzvah," "Mom Rage," Israeli and Palestinian Novels,  an investigation of gender-toxic workplaces, and much more!

Subscribers: Your copy is on it's way!
Online readers: Check in the next few days!

#unboxing #springissue #disabilitywisdom #Lilith

Lilith`s spring issue has landed at Lilith HQ and it`s bringing some much-needed sunshine on this cloudy day!

Between the covers you`ll find: Accessibility for synagogues, Shabbat and disability perspectives, an ostomy "bag mitzvah," "Mom Rage," Israeli and Palestinian Novels, an investigation of gender-toxic workplaces, and much more!

Subscribers: Your copy is on it`s way!
Online readers: Check in the next few days!

#unboxing #springissue #disabilitywisdom #Lilith

"My Bubbe would have thought that Joan was a “pie in the sky.” She writes of California as if it were Poland." 

In "The Cutting Room," writer Maggie Millstein unravels how Joan Didion is helping her process the current violence in the Middle East. A must-read, linked in our bio. 💥

"My Bubbe would have thought that Joan was a “pie in the sky.” She writes of California as if it were Poland."

In "The Cutting Room," writer Maggie Millstein unravels how Joan Didion is helping her process the current violence in the Middle East. A must-read, linked in our bio. 💥