Where to go for What if You're Jewish and Female
Good Deeds, Craftily
Yad Lakashish Lifeline for the Old provides Jerusalem’s needy elderly and disabled population with a place to spend their days productively and in good company, in craft workshops, for which they receive a small payment. Contributions may be sent directly to Yad Lakashish, P.O. Box 28, Jerusalem 91000, Israel, or for tax deductions, $25 or more may be sent though PEF Israel Funds, Inc., 41 E. 42 St., #607, New York, NY 10017. Visit the workshops and gift shop at 14 Shivtei Israel St., Jerusalem, (972)2-287-829.
Handmade Bosnian Kippot are made by the Menorah Club in Makarska, Split, and Zagreb in the former Yugoslavia. Members, mosdy elderly and female, each make about 50 kippot a month. $7 covers materials, a fee to the person who made the kippah, and a contribution to a fund for the restoration of the Split Synagogue. Order with a check to The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee. Miriam Feldman or Marion Krug, JDC. 711 Third Ave., New York, NY 10017. (212)687-6200. Fax (212)370-5467.
For a forthcoming sourcebook on Jewish: Aging send personal reflections, stories, midrashim by May 1. Susan Berrin, 903 Linden Ave., Victoria, BC, V8V4G8, Canada. (604)388-5498.
Art Alert
Print by Harriet Balaran Finck, of Chester, NY. based on the “Where you go, I will go” text from the Book of Ruth.
For a forthcoming book of traditional and contemporary feminist midrashim on women of the Tanach, send your original stories. Naomi Hyman, 3210 Overlook Circle, Go.shen, KY 40026. (502)228-6880.
Kanfey Nashini, (wings of women) the Jewish Women’s Philanthropy Network, links individuals and groups seeking grants with like- minded funders for projects that advance the agenda of women in the Jewish community. This program of Ma’yan, the Jewish Women’s Project of the JCC on the Upper West Side, views philanthropists as donor-activists who can create Jewish visions by women artists. Female artists in New York City’s five boroughs. Long Island and Westchester are invited to enter two- dimensional art for a Fall 1995 juried exhibit, held in coordination with LILITH Magazine. Deadline July 13. Send SASE for guidelines. Jewish Women’s An Exhibit, UJA Federation, 130 E. 59 St., #528, New York, NY 10022. (212)836- 1824.
Tof Miriam—United Women Artists in Israel for Community, Spiritual and Social Awareness encourages and supports women’s creativity in Israel. It organizes an annual
change. Ma’yan, JCC, 180 W. 80 St.. New York, NY 10024. (212)580-0099. Fax (212)799-0254.
Support promising research into the historical experience of Jewish women. Legacy—a grassroots effort to nurture and bring the fruits of such research to a broad academic and public audience—will fund scholars working to uncover little known or unexplored sources by Jewish women. Tax deductible contributions can fund a volume ($1000). chapter ($500), page ($250), paragraph ($108), sentence ($54), title ($36), or word ($18). Payable to the Community Foundation of Santa Clara County/Legacy festival of women in the arts, sponsors year-round performances and workshops, produces a newsletter (in English) and serves as an ongoing network for new and established artists. Tof Miriam, 99a Bayit Vegan St., Jerusalem, Israel. (972)2-411044, or 2-352413.
For an exhibition of contemporary Judaic art, enter original works that express a Jewish idea or can be used for a Jewish ritual. Submit by July 31 for November showing. Details from A New View of Judaic Art, JCC of Pittsburgh, P.O. Box 81980, Pittsburgh PA 15217. 412-521-8010.
Fund. Mail to Legacy, 1812 Kirkmont Dr., San Jose, CA 95124. (408)723-8288.
The Israel Association for Needy Single Parent Families seeks funds to sustain its efforts on behalf of more than 20,000 such families, mostly femaleheaded households recently immigrated from the Former Soviet Union. lANSPF, 4 Rav Berlin St., P.O. Box 4478, Jerusalem, 91044 Israel. (972)2-633368. Fax 2- 354832. Funds for lANSPF payable to PEF Israel Funds. PEF. 41 E. 42 St., #607, New York, NY 10017.
Purim, Women and Poverty is a program booklet for study and action that links the heroism of Queen Esther with support for the efforts of low income women to forge change in their communities. Janet Leuchter, Jewish Fund for Justice, 260 Fifth Ave. #701, New York, NY WOOL (212)213-2113.
Women Against Violence Against Women Rape Crisis Center in Vancouver seeks suggestions to become more accessible to marginalized groups within the Jewish community such as lesbians, women of color, working class women, and women with disabilities. Karen M. Hillman, WAVAW/RCC, P.O. Box 88584, Chinatown Postal Outlet, Vancouver, BC, V6A 4A7. Canada. (604)255- 6228. Fax (604)255-3579. Crisis Hotline (604)255-6344.
Chabad’s Children of Chernobyl Project has evacuated more than 1000 Jewish children suffering from contamination of radiation released at the 1986 nuclear reactor explosion. With no other options for medical care, they are brought to Israel while their parents plan aliyah. Funds to: Chabad Children of Chernobyl, 15 Park Row, #1515, New York, NY 10038. (212)285-2300.
WOMENRAB is a multidenominational international discussion group on issues pertinent to women in the rabbinate. Designed to provide a supportive, accessible sanctuary in cyberspace, it is open only to women rabbis and female rabbinical students. A project of UJAFede. ration of New York’s Task Force on the Jewish Woman, chaired by Frances Brandt, and of its Subcommittee of Women Rabbis chaired by Rabbi Nina Cardin, the list will be moderated by Ann Plutzer, of the Department on Religious Affairs. To subscribe, write SUB WOMENRAB, your first name, last name in the body of your message to L1STSERVE@JTSA.EDU
Project Kesher, sponsor of the 1994 Kiev Jewish women’s conference, is bringing a delegation of Western women to a first Leadership Seminar for Jewish Women living in the Former Soviet Union, and organizing a Global Women’s Seder on April 2, 1995 in various locations. Project Kesher, 1134 Judson Ave. Evanston, IL 60202. (708) 332-1994. Fax (708)332-2134.
A UAHC Privilege Card entitles Jews ages 22-30 to privileges at participating Reform congregations such as discounted or free membership, high holiday tickets, and special programs for young adults. Free. (800)359-UAHC.
Education Projects
Grants to Jewish feminist educators are available to promote the integration of feminist perspectives into Jewish elementary and high school education. May 1 is the deadline for the current round of funding. The Shefa Fund, 7318 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19119. (215)247-9704.
The Shoah and Antisemitism, twice-yearly institutes, conducted in English, will be held July 3- 26, 1995 and December 28, 1995-January 18, 1996. Ephraim Kaye, Seminars for Educators from Abroad World Center for Teaching the Holocaust, Yad Vashem, P.O. Box 3477, Jerusalem, .Israel. (972)2-751641. Fax (972)2-433511.
Building a Place in the Sun: the Jews of Miami Beach, 1913-1945. The inaugural exhibit of The Sanford L. Ziff Jewish Museum of Florida: Home of MOSAIC, opens April 2 in a restored former synagogue that housed Miami Beach’s first congregation. Jewish Museum of Florida, 301 Washington Ave., Miami Beach, FL 33139-6965. (305)672-5044.
The Jewish Cultural Experience offers “Yiddish Women’s Voices” July 14- 16, and “Mothers, Daughters and Sisters: Jewish Women’s Studies” August 6-11, among other summer courses at Circle Lodge. The Workmen’s Circle, Arheiter Ring, 45 E. 33 St., New York, NY 10016. (212)889-6800×272.
New Publications
HUES (Hear Us Emerging Sisters), a multicultural magazine for young women promotes the “self-esteem of women of all shapes, sizes, cultures, sexual orientations and economic backgrounds.” Published twice yearly by three buddies from college. SASE for writers guidelines. 2 year subscription, $14. Sample, $5. HUES, P.O.B. 7778, Ann Arbor, MI 48107. (800)HUES-4U2.
IQ, the Issues Quarterly on Women and Girls, provides an overview of social science and public policy research. The premiere issue featured sexual harassment among teens. Annual subscriptions $35 to National Council for Research on Women, 530 Broadway, 10th fl.. New York, NY 10012. (212)274- 0730. Fax (212)274-0821.
Jewish Women’s Forum was recently launched to provide a Canadian medium to address women’s issues within a Jewish context. One year subcription (6 issues), $19.26. Canadian (includes GST)..JW/F, 2-327 Concord Ave., Toronto, Canada M6H 2P7. (416)533-4264. Fax (416)533-6041.