Lilith Feature
Hair and DesireA gleaning of poems by Yehuda Amichai, Nancy Botter, Siv Cedaring Fox, Sharon Olds, Layle Silber and Maxine Silverman
A special section on hair: wigs, upsherin, self-definition, minorities, Jewish law, and what it means to have Jewish hair. A rediscovery of two matriarchs, Zilpha and Bilha.
Table of contents Get the issueA gleaning of poems by Yehuda Amichai, Nancy Botter, Siv Cedaring Fox, Sharon Olds, Layle Silber and Maxine Silverman
Lilith's back page presents a sampling of current statistics. Crunch on these numbers and decide whether to use them as weapons or as tools for change.
In this story--one of Lilith's occasional features one role models--a pair of biblical sisters yearn for each other. Here's what the Book of Genesis leaves out!
Day 1: Here I am at Yiddish music camp (KlezKamp)—five days with 450 other people, extraordinary programs, so much Jewish talent, brains, attitude. Despite this atmosphere of abundance, however, everyone’s fixated... Read more »
Scholar Haviva Krasner-Davidson helps us tease apart the tangled strands of Jewish law concerning women's hair. Hair and the Rabbis.
Mother, I’m letting it grow, enjoying letting it grow— the thick brown hairs on my thighs you made me shave for beaches and parades. I’m letting it grow. Ma, dark... Read more »
returnto brushtheir hair.They use our combs,careful riot to breakthe teeth.They borrow our brushes,leaving a trace of hairin the bristles.They enter our bedsto feel the warmth of a manthey have almost... Read more »
Brushing out my daughter’s dark silken hair before the mirror I see the gray gleaming on my head, the silver-haired servant behind her. Why is it just as we begin... Read more »
The stones on the mountain are alwaysawake and white.In the dark town, angels on dutyare changing shifts.A girl who has washed her hairasks the hard world, as if it were... Read more »
Ardently down the backs of cousins in Poland until it brushed their ribs the silkworm cousins grew the hair Sarah Fish off Silverman peddled in Missouri. In Sedalia meager enterprising... Read more »
Friday morningI braid my hairin front of the mirrorcannot see behind my headthink of braidsI might have madeon a Friday morningkneading doughseparating it into strands& braiding theminto a crownround as... Read more »
Susan Josephs, as a 17-year old, considers and rejects ultra-Orthodoxy because of—hair! Hair and self-definition.
Having her hair cut off as she enters the concentration camp has a curious effect—-the burden of individuality is lifted. Hair, shaved.
Randy Milden, an adopted daughter, struggles with hair that "couldn’t possibly be Jewish." Hair and difference.
Upsherin, a traditional haircutting ceremony for ultra-religious little boys, provokes feminist questions. Hair and ritual.
In which the author’s mother contemplates casting off her traditional wig. Hair and subjugation.
Holocaust Memoir I am pleased that LILITH shared my “Simple Story” with readers [Women’s Holocaust Memoirs, Winter ’94], however Susan Schnur’s editing altered the meaning of two sentences. “My father and... Read more »