That heralded stage piece in which an unnamed Jewish woman from Queens talks about her fear of “down there.”
Speaking out as a Jewish woman’s birthright. Deborah Lipstadt on the battle over women’s Holocaust experiences. Why Roald Dahl is bad news. A hilarious vagina monologue.
Table of contents Get the issueThat heralded stage piece in which an unnamed Jewish woman from Queens talks about her fear of “down there.”
Rereading the classic author of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory through a Jewish feminist lens, Landsberg marshalls convincing evidence of misogyny and anti-Semitism.
At last we can begin to understand the power of speaking out, and why it’s a Jewish woman’s birthright. Our resident rabbi analyzes the phenomenon of the loudmouthed, justice-seeking hollerers we’ve all met (and feared and admired), and explains why, right in the prophetic tradition, these women are able to counterdict both the JAP stereotype and the quiet-lady paradigm. Sarah Blustain profiles several real-life Big Mouths our readers have nominated as their role models.
At age 54, I attended my first Holocaust Survivor Reunion. Because I was a child of survivors, I was asked to be on a panel called “Second Generation Children of Holocaust... Read more »
A widow and widower (grieving separately but in parallel) are surprised by joy in finding each other.
Paula E. Hyman: It is ironic that Gabriel Schoenfeld accuses feminist scholars of the Holocaust of writing with a political agenda. For Schoenfeld, who presents himself as concerned simply with... Read more »
Gender studies aims to redress the alleged neglect of women (plus various sexual minorities including homosexuals and the “transgendered”) in scholarly disciplines across the alphabet from astronomy to history to... Read more »