Let’s Process Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day can elicit many different feelings including joy, grief and everything in between. The Jewish Studio Project invites you to choose from three concurrent 90-minute gatherings that will explore the many emotions of this day.

Women Who Lead, Influence and Inspire

Baltimore Hebrew Congregation 7401 Park Heights Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland, United States

Lilith’s editor-in-chief, Susan Weidman Schneider, is the keynote speaker at the 107th Annual Convention of The Federation of Jewish Women’s Organizations of Maryland.


Caregiving & Creativity

Join Lilith and four Jewish feminist artists and writers, Elliot Kukla, Sarah Lightman, Alicia Ostriker & Marcella Campbell White, to discuss how they navigate their responsibilities to themselves, their loved ones, and their art.

WRJ Lilith Salon

Join Women of Reform Judaism and Lilith for a virtual salon discussing the Spring 2023 issue.

Movie Screening: Under G-d + Deciding Vote

Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan 334 Amsterdam Ave, New York, New York, United States

Two films that explore the past and present fight for abortion rights


The Dolls That Raised Us

From  Madame Alexanders to American Girls, Bratz to Barbies—join us to talk all about dolls and the role they played in developing our sense of self, family, femininity, and creativity.