Author: Danica Davidson

Danica Davidson has written for more than thirty publications, including MTV News, Ms., Los Angeles Times, Publishers Weekly and Booklist. Her website is
The Surprising Jewish Roots of Barbie

I originally knew Barbie as a doll. It wasn’t until I was tapped to write a Barbie graphic novel that I learned about her Jewish beginnings.

Women’s Voices Through Comics

Meet Sarah Lightman, an artist, curator and academic with a special interest in Jewish women creating autobiographical comics. 

The Holocaust in Graphic Form

Miriam Katin served as a graphic artist in the Israel Defense Forces in the 1960s, and later she did artwork for MTV and Disney. Her second graphic memoir, “Letting It Go,” shows Katin releasing the past.

A Conversation with Gloria Feldt

Right-wing challenges to women’s access to safe and legal abortion, and to other reproductive rights, are being mounted in many locations. Gloria Feldt (, former president and CEO of Planned… Read more »