Where to go for what if you're Jewish and female
Journey Toward Freedom: A Haggada for Women Who Have Experienced Domestic Violence is designed to transform the seder into a service that addresses the oppression—and liberation—of women journeying from abuse to safety. Available from The Faith Trust Institute: Working Together to End Sexual &Domestic Violence (formerly the Center for the Prevention of Sexual and Domestic Violence) (877)860-2255.
“Stop Family Violence” is a new 45-cent first-class U.S. postage stamp. Funds raised —less the Postal Service’s costs—go to the Department of Health & Human Services in accordance with the Stamp Out Domestic Violence Act of 2001. Available at post offices; at (800)STAMP-24.
Equality in Marriage. Not a moment too soon! Here’s an organization promoting marriage as an emotional, legal and financial partnership of equals, and providing information, resources and support to women and men before, during and after marriage.
Casting Your Vote on Women’s Issues. Better act now. Register to vote, update your name and/or address on the voter rolls, or change your party affiliation, and encourage others to register too.
“Reconciliation News” is a free bi-weekly electronic newsletter created by Laura Davis (author of Courage to Heal). It explores ways to resolve relationships that have ended because of anger, betrayal and misunderstanding. There’s an online discussion board so you can join in a virtual dialogue.
Coexistence is a giant outdoor poster exhibit composed of visual images created by artists from around the world. Initiated and produced in Israel, by the Museum on the Seam for Dialogue, Understanding and Coexistence—which explores the boundaries “between war and peace, between distress and well-being, between religious faith and secularism, between reality and hope, between you and me.” This is the first outdoor exhibit hosted by the St. Petersburg’s Florida Holocaust Museum, and can be viewed through April at different times in St. Petersburg, Sarasota, Boca Raton, Tallahassee.
Kosher Room Mates.com matches people looking for a kosher place to live with people who want to share their kosher apartment or home.
A LARGE PRINT PASSOVER HAGADA Hebrew only, or in Hebrew and English, as well as a large print book of Sabbath Songs, shabbat zmirot in Hebrew only, are free on request from the Jewish Heritage for the Blind, jhb.ny@verizon.net;(877)230-2205.
Voyage on the Volga. Join Debbie Friedman and 220Jewish women from around the world as they travel by ship to communities in Russia where Project Kesher’s activists are rebuilding Jewish life and advancing women’s rights, June 20-28, 2004.(847)332-1994.www.projectkeshen org
Klezmer on Fish Street, a documentary film, follows a group of young musicians from the Boston area who traveled to Poland to perform, in a phenomenon they describe as “cultural philo-Semitism.” Particularly in Poland, there are many Jewish cultural offerings for tourists, but hardly any resident Jews. Alta Froliman, the singer Shira Shazeer’s grandmother, accompanied the band and interpreted. She had not been back to Poland since she was deported to Siberia 57 years earlier (Before the war, there were 23,000 Jews living in Bedzin, Frohman’s childhood home, and today there are none.) Produced by Elizabeth Schwartz and directed by Yale Strom. Opens at the Quad Cinema in New York on Feb.20th. Available through Castle
Hill Films, (212)242-1500.
The Phoenix Effect is a feature-length documentary about second-generation Holocaust survivors who grew up in Vine land, NJ after the war. The film, made by Sharyn C. Blumenthal and Edith Flirstal, concludes with the third generation examining how the transference of trauma affects them too. Rental information from: Kim Price, Kprice@laopera.com or (213)972-0743.
Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Martyrs’ and Heroes’ Remembrance Authority in Jerusalem, is marking its 50th year Projects including: the uploading of the database of names of Holocaust victims to the Internet; an evening of recognition for Holocaust survivors and their families; a conference dealing with Holocaust education, and the establishment of the “Eternal Fund for Preserving and Perpetuating the Memory of the Holocaust.”
Stolen Art. The American Association of Museums has launched the Nazi-Era Provenance Internet Portal, a registry of objects in U.S. museums that could have changed hands in Europe during the Nazi era, 1933-1945.The website was created to assist heirs of Holocaust victims in finding and claiming artwork stolen from their families by the Nazis. You can read about art restitution efforts on the website of the Claims Conference, www.claimscon.org, under “compensation and restitution”; see also www.nepip.org.
The Mitzvah of Recycling. Inspired by our listing of the organization Locks of Love, LILITH reader Nicole Perlman wrote that she sends a yearend letter to friends listing ways they can help others with things they might be discarding. Send:
• glasses, loose lenses and sunglasses to New Eyes for the Needy. P.O. Box 332,549 Millburn Ave., Shorthills, NJ 0707S;
• gift wrap, greeting cards or party favors to Love Letters Inc., P.O. Box 416875,Chicago IL 60641, who send cards and toys to terminally ill children;
• prom clothing to Fairy Godmothers, c/o Cobra wire and Cable, Attn: Joyce Jesko, 2930 Turnpike Drive, Hatboro, PA 19040;
• luggage, backpacks and suit bags to
Foster Care Luggage,1746 Kenneth Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46260;
• unwanted items at the end of the college year to
Let Nicole know if you hear of a good idea to add to her list: Npearl913@aol.com.
Israeli film & stage star Gila Almagor brings movie stars, sport heroes, TV personalities, singers and political leaders to visit children in hospitals. The Wishes Foundation has taken groups of sick Israeli children—Jewish, Muslim and Christian—on trips to Spain, a safari in Kenya, to Euro Disney and Disneyland, and provides books, games, computers. Almagor is author of the classic Israeli autobiographical novels The Summer of Aviyah and Under the Domim Tree—both made into films. She has become so involved with sick children, she told LILITH recently, that her newest young adult book, in Hebrew, is about three12-year-oId friends, one with cancer. Gila Almagor’s Wishes Foundation, Chicago office,(847)421-4121, or Tel Aviv office (972)-3-522-4640.
March to Save Women’s Lives: March for Freedom of Choice. Sunday, April 25th, 2004 in Washington, DC. Send us your e-mail address for details with the subject message under a LILITH banner to lilithmag@aol.com; also see www.feminist.org. Heart disease is the number one killer of women in the United States and claims 10times as many lives as breast cancer. Despite this staggering statistic, many women think of it as a man’s disease, and die needlessly, because heart disease is preventable and treatable. Woman’s Heart Day is the third Friday in February, this year February 21.
Beautiful Hills of Brooklyn is a one-woman, one-act play by Ellen Cassedy, short story writer and translator of fiction from Yiddish. Based on a diary her aunt kept in 1970s, the piece evokes the daily life of an elderly Brooklyn woman, and includes the flowing verses of Walt Whitman. It recently debuted in New York and is available to travel. Ellen Cassedy cassblum@aol.com; (301)565-0006.
Voices of Thinking Jewish Women, compiled by Prudence Wright Holmes with an introduction by Doris B.Gold, is a collection of 44 brief pieces and thumbnail biographies, from “Mrs. Abzug Goes to Washington” by Bella Abzug to “No Going Back to the Old World” by Anzia Yezierska. A resource to consult if you’re looking for a telling anecdote or quote for a speech or article. $9.95 from Bihlio Press, (212)989-2755.
Island on a Hill is the debut CD of songs conceived,composed and performed by singers and songwriters of the Jewish Home in San Francisco, in collaboration with song writer-in-residence Judith-Kate Friedman. The truthfulness, sensory memories, spunk, humor, wistfulness, perspective and sheer talent of the seniors—and Friedman, who catalyzed them—are amazing.
CD available at
www.jewishmusic. com.