“Is Now When I Should Panic?”
Walk through adored cartoonist Roz Chast’s pandemic-related cartoons from The New Yorker and Instagram, accompanied by Chast herself. In a May 2020 conversation with Fran Rosenfeld, who curated the 2016 Museum of the City of New York exhibit “Roz Chast: Cartoon Memoirs,” Chast looks at some of her recent drawings. Chast likes making up fake books, like “Appendectomies Simple (do it yourself)”, “If I Say It’s a Casserole, It’s a Casserole” (a cookbook), “The Joy of Not Murderizing Each Other,” a relationship book à la The Joy of Sex. What is the pandemic like? “It’s like we all got old at the same time.” Have her characters been preparing for this Covid catastrophe for decades? “I was brought up to never be too happy,” says Chast. She discusses her 2017 book, Going Into Town, which was a love letter to all the things that make New York City what we now miss so much: the density, the restaurants. She is hoping that we get back to our “misanthropic complaining lives.” mcny.org/event/pastevent-now-when-i-should-panic-conversation-roz-chast