Mindy Shapiro
Forgiving my father 50 years after his murder.
Twitter’s moral philosopher on how to repent and do no harm
I love showing a roadmap to forgiveness in the book. In a story that shares more than enough examples of how life can be horribly unfair and sad, I want kids to see examples of how things can go well or be done helpfully. How things can go right.
I didn’t go to services this year because every time I logged on to Zoom services I immediately grew restless and twitchy and grief-triggered and I ended up shopping for hoodies on Lululemon.
Wrestling with the legacy of signing melodies by Shlomo Carlebach— prolific and influential song leader, and also a known abuser.
My chosen people, with whom I build community, are Black and queer and woman and sister and artist. My people are feminist, and pro-Black and anti-racist, and co-creating ways to dismantle capitalism in all its manifestations.
When you want to be part of something bigger, but you don’t want to sit in shul.
I permitted myself the luxury of not feeling forced into small talk banalities about hunger, achy feet, boredom, religious disagreements.
Radical empathy will let us see past the surface and imagine the various steps that a person in crisis must take. In the case of a high-profile #MeToo accuser, these could include costs like hiring lawyers, losing time from work, paying for cross-country flights to testify.