Halli Faulkner
For me, the step after believing survivors is supporting survivors.
For me, the step after believing survivors is supporting survivors.
Even after more documentation has emerged, UN Women, has still refused to condemn Hamas’ horrific sexual crimes or recognize that they even happened.
A Re-Reading of the Torah portion Tazria-Metzora for Survivors of Sexual Violence
Wrestling with the legacy of signing melodies by Shlomo Carlebach— prolific and influential song leader, and also a known abuser.
The Foundation’s first Executive Director, Marissa Neuman Jachman, spoke to Lilith about Levitas, the Foundation’s important work, and the challenges of addressing volatile social issues.
Thus, when I ask students to respond in writing to The Red Tent, one question is, “Is Diamant’s midrash a feminist one? Can the redefinition of (possible) sexual assault as consensual sex be a feminist enterprise?
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. As a survivor and survivor advocate, I struggle during this time with the way media portrays us.