Susan Barocas
Here are some pickling and preserving basics to follow as you create your own jars of year-round goodness
Here are some pickling and preserving basics to follow as you create your own jars of year-round goodness
Tisha B’av is a holiday about mourning. I often feel like I’m in a perpetual state of mourning.
In this fable, Carolivia Herron reckons with ancestral grief–and how conflict is carried on to new generations.
Connection destroyed at the expense of productivity, culture at the expense of assimilation.
Reaching from the stars to the very earthly matters of Judaism, gender, race, and dismantling the patriarchy, Chanda Prescod-Weinstein in conversation with Carolivia Herron.
I often wonder what my ancestors would think of me. This comic is one in a series exploring my imagined relationship with my great grandmothers (as well as my relationship… Read more »
In this short video, Carolivia Herron and her literary creation, Brenda, argue about Juneteenth.
I love how accommodating Judaism is, in ways that too often the rest of society isn’t
This Shavuot, embrace a new cheesecake–kousmeri from Romaniote community of Greece.