Tag: Holocaust

Jennifer Rosner on the Price of Being Saved

Sometimes the price of being saved is much higher than we could ever expect or know—and Jewish children hidden during the Holocaust found that out the hard way. 

Talking to Anne Burt, Author of “The Dig”

Anne Burt talks to Lilith about her debut novel, The Dig, and her character’s struggle to reconcile her own ambitions while remaining loyal to her beloved, idealistic brother.

Meryl Ain on “Shadows We Carry”

Author Meryl Ain talks to Lilith about twins, bloodlines, and Jewish identity in her post-Holocaust novel, “Shadows We Carry.”


“It was not done in my parents’ household.”

Would Whoopi Goldberg Have Been Punished If…?

Race in the United States is most certainly real. But just because something is constructed to be a social reality, does not mean it is true or based on facts and science.