Chanel Dubofsky
With reproductive rights under threat, a film reminds to celebrate and respect those who choose not to parent.
With reproductive rights under threat, a film reminds to celebrate and respect those who choose not to parent.
Artists are memory workers – they witness and then create, they bring things back. We have the tools, we can create a way out of nothing. That’s what artists offer right now.
In my child-mind, he was the ideal of what a father should be: someone nurturing, caring, safe.
The impetus for this post is the recent deluge of marriages I’ve noticed among Jews under the age of 23. My confusion is mostly based on the fact that the folks who are making the mad dash for the chuppah aren’t Orthodox or even Modern Orthodox, where the expectation of marrying and starting a family young is seen as an immediate priority.
I admit it–I’m an Orthodox voyeur (fetishist, you might call it). As in, I am guilty of a certain degree of exoticization of the Orthodox community. For a while, I… Read more »
Last night, just for fun, I googled “childfree Jewish community.” (To be clear – the term “childless” implies that one wants children but does not have them for some reason,… Read more »
This evening, as I was leaving the building I will be working in for one more day, I ran into Sam, a lovely man whom I don’t see often enough.… Read more »
I spend a lot of time riding the bus. I prefer it to the subway, because you can see the city, and because it’s easier to read on the bus-it’s… Read more »
It occurs to me sometimes that I spend a lot of energy pushing on doors that seem like they’ll never open. The doors, of course, lead to inclusive, feminist, actively… Read more »
At the heart of it all is a story that these days, I rarely tell. Most of the time, when I offer the stories of my past lives, they’re about… Read more »