Winter 2002-2003
Jewish daughters and their African-American nannies tell stories of love, and complexity. The matronymic metamorphosis: what to name your child. Being a Catholic mother in a Jewish family.
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PRAYER-NEUTRAL LANGUAGE BACKFIRES I am writing to add my two cents’ worth to Rabbi Schnur’s discussion about names for God [“What’s this about God being female?” Fall 2002]. There is... Read more »
All the articles and handbooks agree. BY NO MEANS SHOULD YOUR HOME BE PRISTINE. A child adds clutter to any environment, they explain. Far better to show the social worker coming over... Read more »
Malka, bored in class while her teacher drones on about kashering pots and pans. She’s vaguely aware that Rebbetzin Kraemer has written a blessing on the chalkboard, but her hand feels... Read more »
Before DNA testing, there was no way to prove paternity, so it was understandable that Judaism would be passed on through the maternal line. So why doesn’t the transmission of... Read more »
As a little girl, I heard a lot about the Schottensteins. Now known for their go-figure underwriting of both a Talmud and the Ohio State football stadium, they’d made their fortune... Read more »
In Jewish family names there are some phenomena that do not exist—or exist to only a very limited degree—in the family names of other peoples. One of these phenomena is specific... Read more »
In the 12th century, Maimonides decreed that the mother would determine whether or not the child was halakhically Jewish. Before this point, the father was the determinant of Jewish identity; the... Read more »
Lilith asked readers to dig deep, for the first time, into these experiences. The results are stories of love and complexity. In these pages grown-up Jewish daughters begin to think through the lessons, the gratitude and the guilt of these intensely intimate dyads. We also listen to three nannies on the other side of these relationships.
Spurred by Catholic boys’ charges, Sue William Silverman remembers sexual abuse by her powerful politician father and what it meant to her identity as a Jew.
Brigitte Sion on facing down anti-Semitism and misogyny in thie "neutral" country.