Lilith Feature
Transgender JewsAn introduction
Transgender Jews speak up. Jewish women and money. Ruth Messinger on 9/11 obituaries. Confronting skimpy maternity benefits in Jewish institutions. Israel’s founding mothers, some suicidal. Deconstructing the biblical Dena.
Table of contents Get the issueTry this one yourself! Rhoda Asch has figured out how to re-invite, annually, all who have ever come and eaten at her Seder.
The biblical Dena (or Dinah), as most of us know, was portrayed in conflicting ways—harlot, rape survivor, passive sister. But what did this strange story mean in its time?
L.A. native Benjamin Harvey (a pseudonym) transitioned from female to male in 1982, and celebrated his bar three years later. Here he talks about fitting together the Jewish part of... Read more »
It’s Friday evening and I’m all set—I’ve packed my kippah, a map, and a clean white shirt. The boulevard is an ocean of cars and I am a stealth minnow... Read more »
Kate Bornstein, author of Gender Outlaw: On Men, Women and the Rest of Us, describes trying to end her Jewish marriage with a get, a divorce document. She says “I couldn’t give... Read more »
Whatever tendencies we might have to think that “gender studies” is a concept new to the world after feminism, the rabbis of the Talmud have been deeply fascinated by... Read more »
And God created man in His image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them (Genesis 1.27, JPS translation). So God created the human/humanity... Read more »
Feminism, Judaism and women’s new financial resources are—finally—joining forces. A spate of Jewish women’s foundations are making news in nearly 20 cities across the continent, as Jewish women change the way they’re changing the world.
Behind the mask of mythology, poet Geffen exposes the extraordinary, smoldering losses of Israel’s pioneer women, including his suicidal mother.
Rabbi Laurie Rice, pregnant, confronts the rotten maternity benefits most Jewish institutions offer.
Ruth Messinger launches our new opinion section of Lilith with her thoughts on 9/11 obituaries and what they suggest about Jewish men and their children.