from the editor
Pause, please. It’s time to laud the women who have found their courage, and in the process found their voices, to speak truths about what they’ve so unwillingly experienced in... Read more »
#MeToo stories • Jewish women and breast cancer: crisis, intimacy, recovery • Jennifer Weiner on “chick lit’s” power • Suddenly, period positivity • A feminist Jew’s tough search for holiness in community.
Table of contents Get the issueShe chose "kink" sex, for pain she herself could control.
Looking back at the surgery decades later, the noted poet confesses her survivor's glee — and guilt.
❥ Sharsheret is a nonprofit organization created originally for young Jewish women with breast cancer, and now describes itself as “the Jewish breast and ovarian cancer community.” has information... Read more »
Fiction changes minds, so Jennifer Weiner writes scenes of female pleasure in each novel.
The water is a silk sari, pleating, unraveling beneath us, falling away. Eucalyptus trees blink in the morning sunlight. I am on a boat on the Sea of Galilee, with... Read more »
Alice Sparberg Alexiou on girls' accounts of abuse at the hands of their Jewish pediatrician; how journalism helps change laws.
Sarah Blustain, who investigated sexual misconduct by Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach two decades ago, tells you what to look out for when reading a #MeToo report.
Sarah Seltzer asks Hannah Dreyfus how she exposed inappropriate behaviors by powerful men.
An ardent Sixties change-agent returning to the University of Michigan is stunned to find the experience recapitulates one of her own novels.
He stood there, waiting forthe104 bus.An old man with a canewearing a shabby black coatand carrying an umbrellaeven though the sidewalksparkled with sun.Just another old man on the Upper West... Read more »
This feminist, observant Jew is still searching for holiness in community — and a locus for her fullest self.
Chanel Dubofsky on period-tracking apps, unsettling performance art, a new take on mikvah, and wiping away stigma and rusty taboos.
Sarah Groustra on how her high-scool journalism led to free tampons in the town's bathrooms.
New job, new city, new baby, new role as a rabbi’s wife. But the diagnosis outdid the rest.
Cheer for Jewish activists who labored for women’s suffrage 99 years ago.
How pleasant to see a cheerful old person.—Anonymous “Love your stole,” Lotte said to the handsome old woman at the party. “It’s grand and beautiful.” The woman thanked Lotte and... Read more »