Fall 2008
For Lilith’s 100th issue, 100 of the best Jewish feminist ideas. Women employed in Jewish nonprofits tell what they love, and why they leave. Navigating through conversion.
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Sometimes, you have to grapple with a “starting over” ritual until it does its job.
When her father dies, Wall’s surprised by what she’s willing to do, both to honor him and her own conflicted feelings.
Eight women in their 20s and 30s dish about their jobs in the Jewish nonprofit world. Turns out they were totally primed to tell the truth about why they might not stay, and what they want in the rest of their lives. Plus seven steps to making things better, from Shifra Bronznick and Didi Goldenhar.
Mostly, Esther felt confused. How many, how many? Were twenty forks enough or should she polish more? With exhaustion and only the greatest discipline she surveyed the buffet to insure... Read more »
Wisenberg’s known for her fiction. Here, reality, with frank journal entries on hair, her mother, her mastectomy camisole, and the secret behind nervous laughter.
Celebrating Lilith’s 100th issue, readers helped us brainstorm some necessary and life-changing concepts. Here are more than 100 of our favorites.