Fall 1976

In this issue: Life lessons from the mythological Betty Friedan on the not-so subtle connections between the feminine mystique and Judaism. Why Jewish men fear the women’s movement. Holy cow—a meditation on... Read more »

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Beyond the Valley of The Shmattes


We must evaluate where our women’s organizations are heading, competing with each other for membership while they’re relegated to housekeeping for the Jewish community.

A Woman’s Wrath


A truer picture than "Fiddler on the Roof" of what shtetl life was like for women - a new translation from the work of the great Yiddish storyteller.

Poetry: The Wedding


Never attend a wedding without/ an escort no matter/ who he is or what he's/ really like just/ make certain he is/ wearing a jacket and slacks/ and a clean shirt and an/ appropriate tie.

American Jewish Men: Fear of Feminism


Why Jewish men fear the women's movement and why they must face the issues it raises.

The High Price of “Failure”


If a Jewish woman is not allowed to be more successful than her husband, what does she do if he’s not successful at all?

Poetry: Ms. Lot


What kind of father is that, or husband?/ He offered us to those men. They didn't want women./ Mother always used to say:/ Some normal man will come along and need you.

Women’s Liberation & Jewish Law


"My belief in the perfect God does not allow me to think that the Lord would favor one sex over the other in any area of life."

Marjorie Morningstar Revisited


A deft demolition of the mythic warning in this 1950’s blockbuster novel: that without the virginity of the Jewish woman, the House of Israel will crumble.

The Lilith Question


The demonic Lilith overshadowed the original independent Lilith in all subsequent legends to the point where the name Lilith engendered only the association of demon/witch. It is this demonic image which has both reflected and shaped men's thoughts and feelings about women for generations. But the time for reassessment of the Lilith myth has arrived.

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