Category: Lilith Online

Sonia Delaunay: A Force of Nature

How could Delaunay, in Paris in the early twentieth century when women weren’t taken seriously in the arts, have had such an impact—against all odds? And how could I—a practicing artist for decades and with degrees in art—not have known more about her until recently?

I Will Relate

In “I Will Relate to You” at FENTSTER, Meichen Waxer looks to an inherited box of family ephemera and community stories to stitch together the history of Jewish life in northern Ontario.

Ancestor Bread

A mother and daughter bake challah, tracing their lineage through the names of the women who came before them.

Art: Seeking Joy In A Broken World

This exhibition in the Heller Museum at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in New York reminds us of the importance of seeking joy, even — and especially — now.