Kristen Green & Carolivia Herron
Thank you, my dear Great Great Grandmother Mary Lumpkin. You are Miriam for us, dancing with the timbrel, I hear you from the freedom side of the sea.
Thank you, my dear Great Great Grandmother Mary Lumpkin. You are Miriam for us, dancing with the timbrel, I hear you from the freedom side of the sea.
By recreating my trauma onscreen, I understood Passover in a new way.
I am a sex-positive feminist and a sex-neutral asexual and a Modern Orthodox woman all at once. I am a sexually liberated woman.
Parents break sometimes, and we put ourselves back together. But if we never see any stories of other people doing it, it makes us feel like monsters.
I can think of nothing more exciting than at 45, in a place that I consider my home away from home, to be reborn as a serious table tennis competitor.
In a bittersweet turn of fate, it was my family’s chauvinism that cemented my social status as a woman.
A Yiddish-inflected expression of pride with rich wisdom and “humor to spare.”
A Re-Reading of the Torah portion Tazria-Metzora for Survivors of Sexual Violence
A sharply composed collage-poem that provokes us to perceive connections, to recognize the reality of multiple convictions in our troubled time, and to ask ourselves: What now? What then?
Impossible requirements for assimilation then turn into rasping hate-speech that evolves into sneer, into threat.