Author: Yona Zeldis McDonough

Hedy Lamarr: The Only Woman in the Room

The story of Hedy Lamarr’s invention and the marginalization of her contribution to spread spectrum technology—whether intentionally suppressed or forgotten—is the story of many women either in the STEM field or who have made STEM contributions. In this way, Hedy’s narrative—as I share it and shape it in The Only Woman in the Room—is both historic and modern.

From a Doomsday Church to Judaism

Angela Himsel grew up as one of eleven children in an evangelical family that lived in rural Indiana. The Worldwide Church of God informed her thinking and fulfilled her spiritual needs. Yet she eventually went to Israel, married a Jewish man and is now a practicing Jewish woman. She talks to Lilith Fiction Editor Yona Zeldis McDonough about her unusual journey.

The Depth of Grandparents’ Love

Lilith’s Fiction Editor Yona Zeldis McDonough speaks to memoirist and novelist Kathryn Harrison about her latest foray into family history, On Sunset.

A Female Friendship From the Catskills to the Wider World

As Alice Rosenthal's novel of friendship, Bess and Frima, unfolds, the menace of world war is growing, and Beth and Frima must grow up fast. Balancing love, ambition, religion, family, and politics, each young woman faces challenges she never imagined in her girlhood. Fiction Editor Yona Zeldis McDonough talks to author Alice Rosenthal about the personal history she mined to write this tender story.

The Book That Teaches Children About a Jewish Prima Ballerina

Lily falls in love with ballet—but can this fragile girl ever become a serious dancer? Fiction Editor (and lifelong balletomane) talks to author Krystyna Poray Goddu about her informative and charming new picture book.