Rebecca Krevat
When we stand outside their doors on Mondays, we are saying: Orthodox Union, your constituency demands better.
When we stand outside their doors on Mondays, we are saying: Orthodox Union, your constituency demands better.
How could any Jewish organization approve of a person who seems to have little investment in protecting students’ civil rights?
Everyone will be encouraged to write down “three things that they think are mandatory for a code of conduct” with organizations later collaborating to agree on a final document.
Women in the Well of Wills workshop use dance, play, and prayer to explore divine Jewish femininity. One participant reflects on how this has impacted her life.
Orthodox people are assaulted all of the time, some even while doing mitzvot.
How Betsy DeVos is failing survivors of sexual assault and what we in the Jewish community can do about it.
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. As a survivor and survivor advocate, I struggle during this time with the way media portrays us.