Author: Guest Blogger

Orthodox Judaism and the F Word

While women should excel in the classroom and the boardroom, they should ultimately succumb to their feminine natures and center their lives on the home. 

Priced Out of Participation

The main concern of the Jewish women educators and professionals who attended was how, on the salary they were paid and the hours that they worked, they could afford child care, religious school, camp and synagogue membership.

What’s a Friend to Do?

Light up a cigarette. Or, better yet, have some charming, young male student acolyte do it for you.

My Writing Roots in Porn Lit

I pored over the want ads in the Village Voice. Telemarketer? Nurse’s aide? Nothing clicked until I read this one:


A Conversation with Alix Kates Shulman

Alix Kates Shulman has been a passionate feminist voice for over 40 years, bringing to light questions of marital parity and other front-line issues of women's rights in her memoirs and other nonfiction.

Spinoza and Cherry Ames

I could not believe my eyes. Cherry Ames, the quintessential Midwestern Gentile, was learning Hebrew from a New York deli owner.

Peach Fuzz Lishma (for its own sake):(“Peaching, Not Preaching”)

It’s a new way of living – but fortunately, as a Jew, I know a term for it – “lishma”. We are urged to study the Torah, for example, “lishma”, for its own sake, but not because we will derive some advantage – economic, professional, psychological – from doing so, but simply “for its own sake”.