Author: Guest Blogger

Art: Seeking Joy In A Broken World

This exhibition in the Heller Museum at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in New York reminds us of the importance of seeking joy, even — and especially — now.

Poem: Calling Congress

Hello, my name is Shame and I am your constituent. My voice is hoarse on your answering machine. Do you really decide who will live and who will die by tally?

Poem: L’dor v’dor

We are strangers here together/ where we place these stories in the open/ mouths of paper bags.

Poem: Do Not Allow a Witch to Live

Torah shouts: all women who practice witchcraft must be put to death! Talmud reports: rabbinic sages believed their wives all practiced witchcraft.

Building Justice: Lessons from Sukkot

The lessons of Sukkot, of material and collective work, have something to teach all of us who seek justice about determination and finding our shared power.


How do we reconcile the disparate pieces of our genetic whorl with the legacy of our lineage?

Disability as Beloved by G-d

I know deeply what it is to feel like I have to make a choice between my spiritual life and my sense of dignity as a disabled person.